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When too slow to dnf update Add below config on /etc/dnf/dnf.conffastestmirror=True 더보기
[Docker] Run Mysql Server container and setup # Make Data folders for mysql volumnmkdir /data # Run mysql container docker run \-p 3306:3306 \--name mysql_server \-v /data:/var/lib/mysql \-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={{SERVER ROOT}} \-e MYSQL_USER={{USER_ID}} \-e MYSQL_PASSWORD={{USER_PASSWORD}}} \-e TZ='{{TIMEZONE}}' \-d mysql:8.0.13 # Got error with message "MySQL 8.0 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consid.. 더보기
Json curl and a/b benchmark Send curl with json data from file.curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @ab_post_data.json {{url}} a/b benchmark with json data from file.ab -n 10000 -c 100 -T application/json -p /home/rock/ab_post_data.json {{url}} 더보기
[ReactNative] Expo ios simulator said "This version of ..." When after update expo-cli.. the ios simulator said like this.."This version of the Expo app is out of date. Uninstall the app and run again to upgrade."The expo app on ios simulator is out of date..The solutions is just Remove the expo app on ios simulator and restart expo project..Open the ios simulator..and press the home button on the bottom of the simulator..And find the Expo application..a.. 더보기
전화번호 국내 지역화 코드 /** * 숫자로만 이루어진 전화번호에 dash(-)를 추가한 전화번호로 표시해줌. * 01000000000 => 010-0000-0000 */ if (!function_exists('localize_number')) { function localize_number($phone) { $returnData = ''; $numbers_only = str_replace("-", "", $phone); $returnData = preg_replace("/^1?(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})$/", "$1-$2-$3", $numbers_only); if ($returnData == $numbers_only) { $returnData = preg_replace("/^1?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4}).. 더보기