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[NUXT] error on IE browser When I develop with Nuxtjs (Vue.js framework), I got the object Error on IE(internet explorer) brower like this. I guess, This occured by nuxt framework's leak browser compatibility.So, I was googling with this error message..Finally I got the solution.. # nuxt.config.js build: {... vendor: ["babel-polyfill"], babel: { presets: [ [ "vue-app", { useBuiltIns: true, targets: { ie: 9, uglify: true }.. 더보기
Codeigniter + Vue When you need to use Vue.js(Nuxt) on codeigniter, there is no default way on codeigniter.So I solve this problem with .htaccess file. The main concept is just share one root folder.And basically, this concept is for separate frontend and backend. Codigniter for Backend. Vue.js for Frontend. Like this.Project |- application |- frontend (Vuejs) |- system |- web |- index.php |- composer.json |- pac.. 더보기
Generate public key for Open ssl get public key start with "ssh-rsa ~~~~" But if you need to get public key start like "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----~~~~", need to genertate another public key. ]$ openssl rsa -in {private_key_file} -pubout you can get public key start with "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----~~~~" 더보기
[Linux] setup zsh shell # install zshsudo dnf install zsh # install oh-my-zshsudo wget --no-check-certificate http://install.ohmyz.sh -O - | sudo sh # setup zsh to default shellsudo chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh# do this for userchsh -s /usr/bin/zsh # can change zsh setting to ~/.zshrc# can see zsh themes from here https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Themes 더보기
PostgreSQL install ]$ sudo dnf install postgresql10*]$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql.service # important to do this. error occure if not execute]$ sudo /usr/bin/postgresql-setup --initdb]$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service # install pgadmin optional]$ sudo dnf install pgadmin4* 더보기